Gonginichi / Velikiy Dvor,
Podporozhye, Leningrad Oblast
Known as a skete, or even a temple, this hybrid structure combines the tradition of monastic seclusion with the way of life of a man who exercises art as spiritual practice.

To anyone climbing inside the tower, the ascent is symbolic. Working one's way through the monstrous structure of a factory… rising up through a column of industrial scrap and waste… then standing aloft in the cupola space between sky and earth - free of the intrusions of materialism. Sounds from the composer Kryptogen Rundfunk reign from within this biomorphic cell - focusing the journeyman on the scattered fragments of the self - washing him down with nature's own elements.
A Moscow based artist Dmitry Kawarga began to build this object in summer 2017. The 21 metres tower rose from the earth, through the abandoned building of wood factory, in the backwoods of the Leningrad Region.
In 2019 inside the 800 m2 building we began to collect a museum of the works the artists who is visiting Kawarga-Skete.

The intention is to charge the skete and its surroundings with samples of biomorphic-art - making it a hub of modern culture and an intersection for creativity.
In more distant horizons of time, one might imagine a whole network of sketes budding in forgotten corners all across Russia...
Gonginichi / Velikiy Dvor,
Podporozhye, Leningrad Oblast
Project work
Art Museum

Inside the Kawarga-Skete building we began to collect art objects by artists, who visited this place.

Park biomorphic sculptures
The idea of the park of biomorphic sculptures in the forests of the Leningrad region is to create a special art-rich environment far from urban conglomerations and museum exhibition spaces. The specifics of all objects in the park is determined by a common principle: each of the sculptures should be a kind of ”ark” for animals, birds, insects and fish to live in, be visited by humans or inhabited by plants. The sculptures "take root" in a precisely selected location in such a way, that over time they become an integral part of the surrounding nature, while simultaneously concentrating the spirit of a particular place.
In times of fear and uncertainty, Dmitry Kawarga is seeking solace in nature. His two new 3D-printed sculptures were conceived as houses for birds. Each artwork, when installed on a tree, can host three bird families. Both objects will find their permanent home in a sculpture park, which the artist is building in Gonginichi, a tiny village lost in the woods 350 kilometers from St. Petersburg. Kawarga plans to fill it with biomorphic objects that will serve as dwelling sites for wild animals, birds and insects.

Over the years, these sculptures will be overgrown with moss and will gradually merge into their natural environment. Even now, his 'Bird house 1', with its complex abstract curves, can be mistaken for a natural knot on a tree trunk. 'Bird house 2' might remind of a mushroom family from a distance, but shows its eerie side on closer inspection. Its surface teems with human heads looking inquisitively down at the viewer. Can it be a hint that mankind is but a morbid swelling on the face of the Earth or is it rather a call for reconciliation with Mother Nature?

Text: Ekaterina Wagner
Bird's house-3, 2020
110х90х70, polymers, 3D-printing
Bird's house-2, 2020
100х80х70, polymers, 3D-printing
Bird's house-1, 2020
160х65х70, polymers, 3D-printing
№35 Exodus
Text by Lisa Strizhova
Dmitry Kawarga. Kawarga-Skete, Gonginichi, Leningrad Region

In a world of disintegrating concepts, it is not uncommon to see the creation of structures which cannot be assigned to any clear specific category.. The artist Dmitry Kawarga defines his Kawarga-Skete (‘Kawarga Hermitage’) as a ‘hybrid structure’.. The 21-metre-high tower, which sprouts from an old sawmill that was part of a collective farm, stands on top of a four-metre-high space called a ‘dome’..

The base of the structure has been assembled from scrap metal, as has the top part, whose whimsical forms have been reated using fibre glass and polyether resin.. When you visit the so-called ‘cell’, a track by the composer Kryptogen Rundfunk comes on; together with the special effects produced by the structure’s height, the architecture, and the structure’s location in the backwoods, this should help ‘worshippers’ merge with the absolute..

The hermitage’s design is a kind of synthesis of non linear architecture and Deconstructivism. Important for the latter are both the structure’s deconstructible shape. and its context. The hermitage undoubtedly invades and disrupts the space in which it stands. However, its shape is not a reconstituted one, but a random heaping together. of elements.. Kawarga’s description of his work includes the term ‘biomorphic’.. It is impossible to talk about biomorphism and contemporary organic architecture without mentioning the biological principles whose simulation is important for morphological design — visualization of algebraic fractals, similarity models, self-reproduction of organisms and topology.. The aerobynamic forms ofthe top of the tower are visually similar to what we see in living nature, but as a whole the structure is best described as surrealistic rather than as obeying the logic of non-linear architecture.. In the present context, it seems, ‘bio’ is an addon rather than a root word and the most important principles in the making of this structure were the heuristic aspect,. the unpredictability of the result, and the creation of chaos as fuel for new forms of life..

Towering above its site, the hermitage could be seen as alluding perhaps to the House of Sutyagin or perhaps to northern bathhouses on piles.. Although the structure’s impulse to seize space, an impulse which is inherent in contemporary art, gives it a close resemblance to a watchtower,. as Hito Steyerl has said,’ “To unblock the forces which are a dead weight in the frozen occupation area means rethinking the means of their functional use. and turning them into inefficient, non-instrumental, and non-aggressive instruments of public compulsion.”. In any case, when the flood of the apocalypse comes at the end of time, the hermitage will serve as a fine refuge, as if this is its. historical purpose. Kawarga-Skete Is a clear example of art responding to globalization. On the one hand, the creation of a land art object in a remote location is a local action which. makes it possible to depart from the secular and make contact with the sacral..

On the other hand, Kawarga’s structure integrates Gonginichi into the global network, bypassing the will of local inhabitants. And this overall urbanizing influence on its setting seems much stronger than its potential aesthetic and spiritual influence.. The structure has links with the discourse of object oriented ontology and posthumanism. Assembled from fragments of civilization and. covered in plastic, it makes absolutely no fit with today’s ecological agenda but is ideal for a critique of art production.. In the text accompanying his series The Toxicosis of Anthropocentricism Dmitry Kawarga writes about people losing their connection with nature: “The germ of reason is ripening in us, suppressing all the instincts, emotions, fears, and feelings that accompany the biological body..

At the same time, we are seeing the loss of many of the concepts which only recently stirred and shook our consciousness — concepts such. as divine essence, spirit, fate, etc. We are fusing into what is for the moment a single biological mass, an integral human substance, a kind. of thinking energy which is alien to everything that lives on this planet.” Kawarga believes that, as a consequence of degradation, people need places like the hermitage where they can return to their roots. The only surprising thing is that a structure so alien to the environment is intended to serve as. a means of restoring connection with it..

In the 30th issue of Project Baltia the architect Alexey Levchuk gave an account of a transhumanist city inhabited by flying posthumans.. These ideas were subsequently developed into a concept of panhumanism: in the future, posthumans will form constantly changing conglomerates which. communicate with one another using telepathy. It is possible that Kawarga-Skete is a harbinger of the onset of posthumanism and that the message trumpeted by the spring of this new world is that people of the future will need nests such as those at Gonginichi...

Face to face with nature

Russian artist Dmitry Kawarga has created post-apocalyptic bird houses for his future sculpture park.

Text: Ekaterina Wagner

Issue 19, June 2020

His Own Little Piece of the Planet

Everyone who happens upon the village of Gonginichi in the Podporozhsky Disrict of the Leningrad Region cannot help but no-tice a strange structure: could it be something left by an alien or the whim of a modern Eiffel? e latter is closer to the truth.
e latter is closer to the truth. Above the forests and lakes looms the Kawarga-Skete—a tower as tall as a seven-storey building made of metal constructions welded together and topped by a plastic dome of an irregular shape with teardrop windows. According to the Moscow artist Dmitry Kawarga, who built the tower, it is 'a special place for concentration of solitude'.

Issue 31, December 2019

Скульптурный объект Дмитрия Каварги высотой с семиэтажный дом воздвигнут в Ленинградской области
... Место с первозданной природой, тихое, удаленное, если не сказать глухое. Поэтому современное искусство и яркий арт-объект (задуманный как храм культуры) призваны сформировать там центр притяжения для образованной публики.

31 октября 2017

В Подпорожском районе построили один из самых высоких арт-объектов в России
После четырех месяцев работ на берегу реки в небольшом поселении Великий Двор Подпорожского района Ленинградской области московский художник Дмитрий Каварга представил свой масштабный проект, началом которого стало возведение одной из самых высоких среди арт-объектов в России башни...

2 ноября 2017

Скит биоморфного радикала Каварга
Пожалуй, это самая чумовая достопримечательность Ленобласти. А может всего Северо-Запада России. Хотя, если вдуматься, рецепт чумачечности, относительно прост: делаем современный арт-объект, как можно больше и абстрактнее. И устанавливаем его чёрте знает где подальше, но не в музее современного искусства и не в модном общественном пространстве. Получится Каварга-скит из деревни Великий Двор Винницкого сельского поселения Подпорожского района Ленинградской области. Самый высокий в Ленобласти и второй в России.

9 августа 2018

Если вы из Подпорожья проедете примерно 50 километров на Винницу, а потом свернёте на Гонгиничи, то при въезде в деревню вы обязательно увидите некий странный объект, который безусловно привлечет ваше внимание.

3 сентября 2018

Восьмое чудо света: Каварга-Скит в Подпорожском районе
Этим летом творческая группа ТК "СвирьИнфо" много времени провела в поездках по Подпорожскому району. Казалось, уж мы - журналисты, знаем район, как свои пять пальцев. Нет, нет и еще раз нет! Совсем недавно - в июле, мы обнаружили, не побоюсь этого слова - восьмое чудо света в Подпорожском районе.

17 сентября 2018

Каварга-скит: арт-объект в глухой деревне Ленинградской области
Объект построил художник Дмитрий Каварга. Скит — это монашеская келья. Название объекта отсылает к духовному уединению. Скит находится в деревне Гонгиничи Подпорожского района. Раньше здесь находилась лесопилка. Объект высотой с семиэтажное здание. В купол скита можно подняться. По задумке автора, посетитель должен пробраться через отработанный индустриальный лом и попасть в келью, и оказаться вдали от материализма

11 сентября 2018

Наверное, не зря говорят мудрые люди, что большое видится на расстоянии и что пророка нет в Отечестве своём... Мы привыкли к повсеместному бурьяну и кучам мусора, к разрухе и опустошению в когда-то многолюдных деревнях, но многие из нас в штыки воспринимают что-то выходящее за рамки обыденности. Вот и нечто белоснежное из пластика, сооружённое над старинной деревней Гонгиничи в том месте, где десятки лет валялись у пилорамы груды отходов лесопиления вызвали, вероятно, те же чувства, что испытали первопоселенцы-язычники на берегу местного озера, впервые увидев большой христианский крест.

26 сентября 2018

О занятном арт-объекте
В прошлые выходные колесили по Ленобласти и видели Прекрасное. Это арт-объект под названием Каварга скит.

Вообще, конечно, первая мысль была "что за хрень". Но этот постик скорее о том, как меняется восприятие.

13 августа 2019

Каварга Скит, Парк биоморфных скульптур, Музейная линия
Раз обещала рассказать про загадочное строение на одной из фотографий предидущего поста, обещание выполняю ;)
Томить не буду – это арт-объект Каварга Скит, который находится в деревне Великий Двор Винницкого сельского поселения Подпорожского района Ленинградской области.
Четыре месяца понадобилось художнику Дмитрию Каварге на возведение одного из самых высоких арт-объектов в России (самый высокий в Ленинградской области и второй в России). Помимо того, что он самый высокий, он вполне может претендовать на звание самого необычного.

21 августа 2019


contact us:

Дмитрий Каварга | автор | kawarga-painter@kawarga.ru

Максим Титов | управляющий партнер | 1917500@gmail.com